Temporary Fencing

There is a difference between permanent and temporary solutions or many options in that case. Temporary solutions need to be used for just a short time, for reasons that are going to be mentioned below.
Install Fencing for the Future
The first thing you should figure out is what is going to happen to the site when the construction is done because there are different reasons for installing the temporary fence – either securing the boundary temporarily before the permanent solution is installed or keeping the site and machinery safe and out of bounds to the public when the work is being done. If you are going to need a permanent fence, it is important to get it planned and specified early, so that the installation can be done during or before the construction phase. Doing it this way is a good idea because the site is going to be secure, and temporary fencing is going to be needed as you wait for the permanent one to be installed.
If you don’t plan on having a permanent perimeter fence installed, then it might be challenging to know if you need to invest in high-quality temporary fencing especially when you are not sure about the timeframe of the project. The general rule is the larger the construction project, the higher the quality of the temporary fencing needs to be. This is because large construction projects take longer to complete. If the project isn’t going to take that much time, then it makes sense to choose cheaper temporary fencing.
You can also find ‘semi-permanent’ foundation-free fencing options on the market that provide your site with more security than the standard panels. There is still no guarantee with such type of height barrier fencing solution and can be very expensive for a temporary fencing option.
When we look at the permanent option, the posts are secured to the ground and the weakness comes from the connections between the posts to the panels and the panels to the pales. This is where a properly designed permanent fence is different compared to a less secured temporary fence. The installation has to be done well so that the connectors from the panels to posts needed to be vandal-proof, hidden, or on the inside of the fence. A well-secured fence doesn’t have bolts holding the pales to the panel, they are usually manufactured as part of the panel.
The ‘semi-permanent’ foundation-free fence uses the above process when it is designed, but the risks come in because of the foundations and posts. When the posts aren’t secured to the ground, they have to be attached to something that is going to hold them in place. In most cases, there is a connector between the fence and the weight so that the fence remains upright. This is a vulnerability because it means that the fence can be easily toppled when the connector holding it is removed.
The weight is another weak point. The weight is some type of container that is filled at the site to make installation easy. Some of the common materials used are sand, water, or building aggregates. The materials are added to the plastic container to make it easy to install and dismantle. Materials like sand are kept in bags, which makes it easy for intruders to remove the weight, which compromises the entire fence. It is important to know about the weaknesses so you can find ways of addressing them or choosing an option that won’t come with a lot of risks.
Noise reduction and privacy
Construction sites need privacy and noise reduction solutions in addition to the temporary fence. This can be taken care of through the use of acoustic blankets.